Alright, after years of dealing with great subs to horrific brain cell sharing dummies, it's time to set things straight when it comes to approaching me. I'll try to keep it as simple and cohesive as I can because it really isn't my job to hold your hand as a grown adult finding their way through the kink scene and finding me. So pay attention to avoid ruining your first impression with me.
Step 1: Before the Approach
So, you want to approach me right? Okay well first, I have a few questions to ask.
Did you do your research on me? Make sure we're compatible in fetishes? Gain knowledge on what is to be expected? Okay cool, have you sent tribute yet? No? Then don't.
I don't care about your stance on tributes or payment before dming, I run a business and do not converse for free. You sending me a tribute shows that you respect my work and time. And funny enough, that is included in the research aspect as well. I literally have plastered everywhere that I expect payment before being talked to. I owe no one grace just because you're "so weak" and will definitely won't waste my time. If you have to *think* about sending, I'm not the Domme for you. Good luck on your search.
My initial is $50 min to $100 max and this is how you show me you're serious even IF things don't well in the end which happens, that is normal.
Otherwise, just stay quiet. I work my ass off every single day, don't add to my plate because of your weaponized incompetence. I don't care.
All of my methods provided on here are acceptable for tributes and no, services are not included in that payment.
But if you're not a knucklehead and you've done your research PLUS sending initial beforehand, you're ready for step 2.
Step 2: The Approach
My name is Master Celestress. Calling me anything else just shows you don't care to know me and just want to nut. I will not entertain anyone who calls me anything but my name. Which doesn't make any sense because my name is right..there? Anyway. Use common sense and social skills to convey a proper intro.
Hey, Hi, Hello = blocked.
Kink vomiting = blocked.
Saying anything like "Own me" "expose me" "I would love to serve you" = blocked.
Be normal.
"Hello Master Celestress, my name is _______, I sent tribute to _____ and would like to serve you" is a GREAT start and will obviously make way for a solid first impression to me! Easy right? Because it is. It's not that hard to talk to a Domme with respect and decency unless you still view women/nonwomen as objects and kink vending machines.
But again, if the first impression kicks off great, move to the final step.
Step 3: After the Approach
Depending on what happened during the approach, results may vary! But if we hit it off well, clearly things will progress further. Do not feel entitled to my time, dominance, or ownership just because you're a "good" sub. Continue to show for why your effort would add to my life and earn every single privilege IF there's hope for you.
Most of you make it seem like Dommes are bitches and greedy..yes idiot, you approached someone who is a financial dominatrix, what did you expect? Your lack of comprehension skills are not my problem. If you're not ready? Don't approach me. I'm not babysitting grown ass adults, you can figure it out. You have several resources to utilize before bothering me, so use them at your FULL leisure. And keep this in mind, be the reason I smile and not the latter. K? k.
I'll be here when you get it right.