This 2 second clip is from my clip "Findom Encouragement" which I advise all newbies to purchase for a nice "push" into this fetish. Available on IWantClips, Manyvids, Loyalfans, and Clips4Sale. Clips can also be an easy and key way to understand the fetish as well but i'll get into that later in this guide. Be sure to read EVERYTHING.
So what *is* findom?
Findom is the fetish involving finances being dominated. Money is the concurrent motivation and reason behind this fetish. The aspect of monetary control with the relinquishment of your finances into the hands of a dominant. In short, you pay hot dominants to dominate your money. Sounds exciting right? It is! But allow me to rid some wrongs that I've seen, heard and experienced as a findomme myself.
Findom is NOT:
• *buying content
• *paying for services ( sessions, etc )
• expecting something in return for payment
• *topping from the bottom
• lowballing prices
• a cheap fetish
* Buying content may lead to the enrichment of findom and building a love for the fetish but it still is revolved around your needs.
* While paying for services is financially involved, this is also about your needs being met instead of solely being about selflessly sending your money to a dominant to please them. Findom is giving money with nothing in return.
*This means trying to get your way over a dominant with manipulation tactics. Big no no.
Got it? Good. Moving On.
How do I get started?
First, do your research. Never blindly send someone money!! I don't care how hot they are or how horny YOU are. Be smart! Make sure they are verified on an adult site, that they are the official account, read their links, learn about a few things and expectations of a submissive and then IF allowed, proceed to approach READY to send.
For the love of God, do not "dm me" on every single dominant's profile. Want to not be taken seriously? That's how.
Second, send a tribute beforehand. Tribute? Yes, a simple payment showing respect to a dominant's time when approaching. Make sure you know their initial amount and send it through whatever method that is used by them. If you're inquiring about a session, custom, etc, this still applies. As I said, this is not a cheap fetish so expect to pay money. "What if I can't afford their initial amount at first?" Then send a RESPECTFUL amount. Start at $25-$50. Don't have that? Do not approach. Do not approach until you're READY with the proper funds. Financial servitude involves respect as well. First impressions are vital. So don't be an idiot.
Third, how to approach. Apply this manner to any and all interviews you have ever had in your life. You want to make a good impression yes? So show up and show for it. "Hi" "Hey" Hello" are not proper introductions, this annoys us a lot. And make sure you know their proper honorifics because everyone is not a Goddess, Mistress, or Princess. "Hello, _______ I have sent a tribute to ______ and would like to speak with you about _______" or something of that matter. Do not approach talking about how HORNY you are at first! Have some decency and treat that dominant as a person and not the sock in your drawer. Bare in mind, you are approaching them with a need and not the other way around. So remain respectful, humble and composed until allowed to grovel, drool and bark like the mutt you are. Consent is key in domination and that goes both ways, never kink dump on someone that didn't ask for all that.
Once you have done all this, you may find the dominant of your dreams or deal with rejection. Which happens to everyone, just keep searching, and abiding by these 3 steps and you'll be fine.
Well what If I'm not rich?
If you are financial responsible and can balance kink and real life, you'll be fine. This is an expensive fetish yes but it's all about adding monetary value to a hot dominant's life. That is the key goal. All are welcome to send and encouraged to do so however if you're broke and know you shouldn't be doing this? Then don't. That's wasting everyone's time. I have whales, shopping boys, etc because everyone has a job from paying rent to buying me a Dr.Pepper while I'm walking somewhere. We love the good boys with deep pockets always but a dedicated and financially persistent toy is appreciated as well. Just don't get too comfortable because if a sub sends more than you, attention will graze away so always be prepared or wait your turn to impress again.
" I'm scared of what could happen.."
Isn't everyone always afraid the first time? Just communicate that instead of ghosting or not sending at all after saying you would. Just a forewarning, no one will take your seriously if that's the reason you won't send. So either buck up or sit back until you're ready and that includes not bothering a dominant for free as well. A good finsub will only show up when it's time to be useful. Fear is a part of the process, if you trust the dominant, the experience will be thrilling. Remember to separate fantasy from reality as well. Something is too much? Communicate that and step back, cool off and come back later. Never just leave a dominant hanging because you jumped into the deep end without thinking first. Use your brain until it's time to shut it off and enjoy the financial fun.
I'm all for everyone having their escapism especially with all the insanity in the world but as mentioned up above fantasy and reality are important parts of BDSM. Everyone can indulge in kink but when it becomes harmful or self destructive is when you have to consider some things to ensure safety for yourself and the dominants you play with. If you can mentally, physically and emotionally handle it? Go for it. If not, I advise against it. Security is necessary in life, do not ruin your REAL life to appease your fantasy UNLESS you can handle those distinctions. Mental health and money go hand in hand, so make sure you are good before tapping into findom.
Down below are some blog posts I wrote about these particular conversations and more:
This blog post is long but the same amount of work and time we put in as dominants should be the same for submissives. You can't just blindly jump into this because that is how you get scammed, blackmailed and broke. So appreciate every detail written here.
I've been a financial dominatrix for 5 years, i know it all. The good, the bad and the ugly of this fetish. You're allowed to make mistakes with the intent to correct them and take accountability. You being a submissive doesn't excuse bad or unacceptable behavior. So before your curiosity fully grows into action ask yourself:
Why am I doing this?
Is it because I am horny or really want to serve?
Am i financially capable to serve a findominant?
Can i provide all the expectations of a submissive? Financially?
I am selfless?
Do I have responsibilities that will hinder this fetish?
Am I mentally, physically and emotionally able to handle this fetish?
Can I communicate and be respectful?
Will I not have buyer's remorse?
Am I ready for findom?
If you can answer these thoroughly, push forward. If not, sit back and wonder why you hesitate. I've had so many "eager" "finsubs" run away the second money is involved or insult me because money is involved when...they knew money would be involved. You can change your mind very quickly, so be wary of that as well.
Interested in findom clips?
I dropped 20 this month. Indulge at your own risk.

Findom is not evil. It's a financial fetish that can be a turn on by the aspect of gaining or relinquishing control. It's a valid form of domination where d/s relationships can happen. No one is "begging" for money, money is the MAIN part of this fetish. We are not "manipulating mentally ill" people, we are all adults here with our minds and the right of choice, consent and boundaries. Apply everything here and you will be a good contribution FINANCIALLY to a dominant's life. You're welcome for the help, now get the hell out my nest.
Feel free to send me a tribute as a "thank you". Information on my homepage.
- Master Celestress, a greedy meanie.